Like the infamous Collyer brothers buried by 130 tons of their amassed stuff, hoarders are inexplicably compelled to collect lots of stuff usually at the expense of relationships and sanitary living conditions. I'm not entirely sure what it is that makes witnessing the intervention process so interesting, but I suspect it has something to do with other's humiliation and embarrassment. Sheesh
For those who may also share hoarding tendencies, might I suggest watching grass grow rather than your stuff. Here's how:
Sprinkle a generous layer of wheat berries (in the bulk aisle) onto some lightly packed potting soil. Water well and place the pots in a sunny spot with a tray of water beneath. In a few days you should see the seeds begin to root. Once the grass is a few inches tall, juice it or as do as Eddy does and snip directly atop your food.
Man, too bad we don't have any cool colored rice bags here. I don't a white bag with a big red rose on it would look nearly as cool as yours.