Two days later standing in Auto Zone and imagining the painful installation ahead, I muttered that there had to be an easier way. Risking embarrassment I asked the sales clerk of an imagined product called radiator hose lubricant and the clouds parted as my helpful clerk reached below the counter and presented me with a packet of this:
And here she is (the fat one in the middle) happily installed, coolant replenished all without a stinkin' hitch— I love it when a plan comes together.
So glad! And I love that you were able to change out your radiator yourself. I am fully capable of changing a tire, but that's about as far as I get. James is mechanically inclined and fixes things on our cars that would cost a small fortune to have done by a "professional." I've seen the dash of 3 of our cars completely removed and replaced to access something a brilliant engineer placed behind the dash. Every time he does it, I have to take a picture 'cause I think it's so cool that he can take it off AND get it back together in one piece. I however, gladly act as photographer and tool hander/assistant only. So glad he can do the work.