Monday, July 26, 2010

Frites Freak

Accompanied by a gently breeze I spent a Sunday afternoon near the river at Sellwood park watching  teetering canoers and sweaty teenagers in all stages of well-done.

Apparently I'm not the only one who finds spectacle in our fellow man, these gents brought their own chairs.   Fending off the occasional mosquito and studying my Japanese I wondered of the contents of commuter mugs held by shirtless dudes and of the physics of tubing in a bikini.  Later I shared my picnic table with a father and daughter chowing down on burgers and fries.  Greasy potato wafted over and I packed up; suddenly inspired for dinner. 

Homemade French Fries
I don't deep fry much something about vats of used cooking oil but I broke down this time rather than heat up the house with my usual baking technique.  Baking in summer is bad.  The secret to this recipe is frying your tots twice; once to cook them through and second to crisp them up.  Here goes:

1 medium Russet potato per person
vegetable oil, enough to fill your pot to a depth of 2"-3, approximately 2 C.

salt and freshly cracked black pepper

Add your oil to a small heavy-bottomed pot (I love cast iron for frying.) While your oil is heating on medium-high, wash your potato and dry well.  Slice the potato into 3/8"-1/2" sticks depending on your preference. Check to see if the oil is up to temperature (350 degrees) by dipping the end of a potato stick into the oil, if it immediately begins to sizzle, add a handful to the oil.   Avoid adding too many at once.

Stir the fries gently and cook approximately 10-12 minutes.  The potatoes will not brown at this stage you just want to cook them through.  Once cooked drain them on a paper towel lined plate.  Fry the fries once more and you will notice that they will quickly brown. 

Drain and liberally salt and pepper.  I like my fries with a side of ketchup sometimes mayo but you can fancy this up with a drizzle of truffle oil or for some ball park nostalgia, with loads of sauteed garlic and parsley.  However you have them, make 'em. If you're a potato lover these might change your life.

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