Friday, April 29, 2011

gimme gimme gimme

A new supermarket recently opened in Niihama.  It's polished and all that ways you'd expect; gleaming floors and bountiful displays, but will you take a look at the little critters perched down the candy aisle.

Clever candy bins with irresistible faces and open maws just begging for tiny hands to grab fistfuls of candy. 
Parents don't have a chance.


  1. gotta love those solar-powered digital LCD price tags you see everywhere now, huh? Have you seen the staff updating them with their little TV-like remote control? I want to get my hands on one of those and stand like 3 feet away and change the princes on everything within sight.

  2. Ha! Yes, the tags are clever. They were starting to use them in new stores back home, but a first for me in Niihama. Let me know when you get your hands on one of those gizmos.



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