Thursday, May 5, 2011

the case of the missing fish

Edo and I went to my Japanese teacher's home for dinner tonight.  We had a lovely gut-busting meal and shared stories of cultural gaffs including a tale of missing koi.  Apparently, a few years ago the koi from the pond in front of City Hall disappeared, only to be found frozen bright orange and yellow, in a Chinese student's freezer.  Later poor sensei had to explain to her students that the koi were to be admired and NOT to be eaten. 


  1. I just discovered your two Blogspot sites and have been really enjoying them. Unlike me, you've been really good about posting regularly over the past few years.

    I may have missed it in one of your previous posts, but I'm very curious about your background. Your features and name would suggest that maybe your Japanese, but your English sounds native. Is this part of your mystique, or would you be so kind as to shed some light?

    I'm just curious. :-)

  2. @Hiroki - I'm an American working abroad in Japan. Thanks for taking the time to comment :)

  3. Ah, got it! I too am an American working abroad in Japan despite my Japanese name.

    Nice content you've got up on your site. I'll be sure to check back often.



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